Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 New Social Media Tools to Try: Refynr and Triberr [Review]

2 New Social Media Tools to Try: Refynr and Triberr [Review]: "

Refynr: Selective Social Media Listening

Refynr broke onto the social media scene late last year. The brainchild of developer Aaron Longnion (@Refynr), the platform that separates your Twitter and Facebook wheat from the chaffe. It lets you “refine out the clutter.”

Like many tech platforms, refynr was born based on Aaron’s personal experiences and the challenges he felt participants face with sensory overload and simple information management. Start following a few thousand folks on Twitter and regardless of their personal tweet levels, there’s a lot going on. Follow some really active folks or people who participate in a lot of twitter chats and your stream will get clogged pretty quickly.

Until now you had few choices but to unfollow. But man, there were some good tweet nuggets in that noise!

Enter Refynr. This free tool filters out the tweets you’d rather skip. Refynr does the hard labor of finding the pre-defined topics you’re interested in, and saves the tweets with that theme for you to read later. For persons with small pockets of time throughout the work day, Refynr can be a way to quickly check in on what’s going on without the usual time-suck caused by off-topic random conversations. Yes, those can be the fun ones, but they often eat up valuable time and crush your productivity.

refnyr filter set up

Stay informed with topics that matter to you.

refnyr filter

refnyr filter

Refnyr allows you to create settings for a daily email digest if you’re really looking to create hard line of separation on Twitter between certain topics. Could be perfect for the 9-to-5 worker with a side project, for instance.

Refynr is totally user-defined, allowing for explicit filters and definitions. Future plans include an API for business use and support for Twitter lists and searches. Expect to find Refynr integrating with LinkedIn (perfect for you B2B marketers) soon.

define your refynr account

Set up your account parameters

Triberr: Your blog’s reach multiplier

Ever wish you had some help getting your blog links retweeted? RT’s give implied endorsement of your message, and give you access to other people’s networks. So how can you get some of that action?

Triberr members form small networks of guaranteed tweet sponsors. Each tribe constitutes a reciprocal relationship where members retweet the links from the RSS feed of others. This setup delivers value in several ways:

  • Greater reach, leading to greater exposure (get your voice heard!) for the content you’re creating now

  • An organic way to build your following faster among real Twitter users (no bots, ‘cuz bots don’t get invitations)

Because tribe leaders select members, there’s a strong chance members’ interests overlap, pretty much ensuring the relevancy of the tweets to the aggregate network. In other words, a tribe leader who’s into web development might invite UX specialists, graphic designers, or online marketers to join forces to share links to their blogs.

When you publish a new blog post and your RSS feed updates, all the members of your tribes will automatically RT your post. The RT’s are staggered so as not to inundate streams, and if a feed is updated more than once in a day only the first post will be pushed into the system (to prevent abuse and pollution). The baked-in RT makes it important to choose your tribe carefully because a RT implies endorsement (you want to be associated with great content, don’t you?). There are also some manual overrides for the more choosy tribesman.

triberr reach multiplier

The triberr dashboard.

Triberr’s only been around since March but has gotten a lot of attention. Dino Dogan, one of the forces behind the platform, pursued his vision because he believed that a lot of great voices were being overshadowed in social media. The same “elite” people were getting all the eyeballs and RT’s, drowning out lesser-knowns with smaller networks. Those eyeballs should be looking in a lot of other places for information and inspiration.

“Triberr is my way of rebelling against status quo,” said Dogan. “Triberr gives the other guys, the ones with the smaller voices and original thoughts, a chance to be heard through collective support from trusted peers.”

Triberr is presently in beta and requires an invitation to snag an account. Account holders can lead three tribes (meaning, as Chief, they get to choose all the members and issue invitations to them), and participate as Tribal Elder in the original tribe created by the person who invited them (and hence can’t choose the members, just serve as one).

While currently members’ blog feeds are only pushed out via Twitter, Dogan hinted that other networks are just around the corner. Dan Cristo, co-founder and lead developer gets props for the lightening-fast development and responsiveness to features requests and bug fixes.

Go give these two spanky tools a try, or visit the oneforty Toolkit page to discover other new favorites!


Already use these tools or want to add them to your social media arsenal? Make a Toolkit on oneforty and show us what social media tools you use to manage and measure your activity.


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