Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Yes You Can Purposefully Increase Your Rate of Retweets

twitterMost people who have tried using Twitter for business have discovered that some forms of marketing do not work there at all. For example, viral marketing can happen a lot easier and with some purposeful intent – only after having laid the groundwork to make that happen. Viral marketing and the effects of it are incredible, and that is part of the power of Twitter. This article deals with several Twitter marketing methods that have a high possibility of giving you an edge with receiving viral retweets.

If you have ever tried to give away content for free at Twitter, then you may have experienced the inability to even do that. So what is going on is you need to change your approach and let people know what you are offering them. Have you ever noticed that some marketers at Twitter are not involved at all other than to tweet links. You will not get very far at all if you never engage your followers other than to push links at them. You need to mix in simple tweets along with tweets that contain links. The online crowd at Twitter and other places are far too distrusting with those whom they do not know. Building relationships begins with a little bit of friendly banter.

It is all right if you are not retweeted with some of your content. It is possible that the majority missed it when it first came out. This is easier to happen than you think simply because there can be so much going on, and then your content slipped by and got buried. That is why sometimes you see people tweeting multiple times, so this is not so unusual at all. This ensures that all your followers get to see your tweet and it is not missed.

Still, do not go crazy with your tweets because that can create a negative impression on you.

Leveraging your blog to make it easy for people to share your content is an important step. You should get a blog, definitely, because you can integrate so much with social media.

So make sure you place a TweetMeme button on your blog to make it easy for your readers to instantly share your content on Twitter. You want your visitors to have no trouble locating your various share icons. There are entire networks of high quality blogs, and people use social media promotion all over them. There is no excuse for not having these items on your blogs, and you do want to get retweets, right?

Be sure to do more research because there are more things you can do to increase the odds of getting retweeted.

For more free tips on what you need to do to get retweeted, check out this article http://marketinghackz.com/learn-how-simple-it-is-to-get-retweeted-on-twitter/ . Another resource that you’ll be interested in is this blog post http://marketinghackz.com/lets-get-social-2-review/ . There are lots of helpful strategies there!

Post from: SiteProNews: Webmaster News & Resources

Yes You Can Purposefully Increase Your Rate of Retweets


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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Начинаете блог? Вот несколько быстрых советов для успеха

Имея блог является одним из самых простых способов начать зарабатывать деньги в Интернете и одна из лучших вещей о них, что они чрезвычайно проста в настройке и создать. Вы можете не только сохранить ваш блог в своем собственном темпе, современные технологии означает, что вы можете даже блог в то время как вы находитесь в отпуске или в дороге ... Только представьте себе, зная, что ваш блог делает вас деньги, а вам нравится отдых где-то хорошо!
Конечно, первый шаг, чтобы сделать деньги с блога, чтобы получить один создан, хорошей новостью является то, что это возможно сделать это совершенно бесплатно, и вот что мы собираемся посмотреть в этой статье ...
Во-первых, вам нужно, чтобы сами создали с блога. Есть несколько вариантов - хозяин блога, используя свое собственное доменное имя или получить бесплатно один в другом месте. Давайте сосредоточимся на свободных вариантов блог изначально и в этом случае Есть действительно только два достойных вариантов, http://www.blogger.com
После того как вы получили себе бесплатный блог, вы должны опубликовать некоторые тестовые сообщения и получить себе  много вариантов, которые доступны для вас ,  чтобы понять, как они работают и какие выгоды.
Вот некоторые ключевые особенности, которые вы должны узнать, с тем чтобы максимально использовать возможности вашего блога:
Permalink - Permalink обозначает постоянную связь, которая является URL (Uniform Resource Locator), что приводит к отдельного сообщения, что вы делаете в вашем блоге.
Trackback - При публикации о чужой блог в другом месте, ваш пост будет автоматически отображаться в их "Архив" разделе. Эта функция доступна только с WordPress, Blogger и не блоги.
Pinging - Pinging является действием, где определенные агрегатор получает уведомление, когда ваш блог обновляется, так что агрегатор может показать новейшие пост вашем блоге на своем сайте. Это полезный способ получить трафик и получить легкий ссылки на свой блог, что может повысить рейтинг сайта в поисковых.
Теперь, когда вы знаете немного больше о языке блогов давайте подумаем о типе содержания, которое следует рассматривать блоги о в целях обеспечения максимальной ваш шанс иметь прибыльный блог. Одним из ключевых вещь, чтобы понять, что природа Интернета и народа в целом означает, что нет предела для типа содержимого, что ваш блог может быть. Основное различие между блоге, что делает хорошо, и зарабатывает деньги для его создателя и тот, который не будет вплоть до так, что вы пишете, не то, что вы пишете о. Подумайте о том, тип статей, которые Вы любите читать, они, как правило, малый вес и легко скользить, чтобы получить шутку содержания, так что вы хотите, чтобы убедиться, что ваш блог содержит качественный контент, который легко поглощает.
Добавление личный контакт с вашего блога будет привлечь больше читателей и их возвращаться снова и снова, делая сайт чувствовать себя более дружественным и привлекательным. Не писать, как вы проповедь в массы, а сконцентрироваться на написании как если бы вы простой разговор с близким другом, что кто-то хочет узнать, что вам придется делить, кто вы можете найти общий язык. И кроме того. Это также очень полезно создать собственный личности через ваши слова, мы все очень любопытные существа, поэтому, естественно ваши посетители хотели бы знать больше о вас, как информацию вы предлагаете им.
Руководство  предназначено для  запуска новый блог как можно быстрее  . Узнайте больше о продукте , который поможет вам зарабатывать деньги.

Friday, May 13, 2011

SEO - как получить больше трафика

Если у вас есть блог, то конечно, вы хотите, чтобы его посетили столько людей, сколько возможно, тогда вы должны сделать эффективной поисковую оптимизацию (SEO) на нем. Хотя есть много способов сделать это, основы по-прежнему остаются теми же. Это всего лишь инструменты. В этой статье я покажу вам некоторые аспекты из моей практики,  о том, как вы должны делать SEO на вашем блоге.

Вы должны иметь в виду, что это потребует некоторых усилий, прежде чем вы сможете достичь своей цели. Это особенно верно, если ниша, в которой вы находитесь очень конкурентная. Но это не означает, что это невозможно. Иногда вам просто необходимо знать правильное сочетание тактики, чтобы вы могли добраться до своих целей быстрее и более эффективно.

Вот несколько способов, которые вы можете сделать для эффективной поисковой оптимизации, чтобы вы могли повысить ранг вашего собственного блога.

Ваши исследования ключевых слов в первую очередь. Потому что вы должны знать, на раннем этапе, какие ключевые слова поможет привести в правильный вид трафика на ваш сайт. Но не только любые ключевые слова. Вы должны также проверить, если у вас есть хороший шанс занять место по этому запросу в противном случае он мог бы принять вас очень много времени, прежде чем вы можете видеть какого-либо благоприятного результата. Вы должны использовать инструмент подсказки ключевых слов исследования для этого, как бесплатный инструмент Google ключевые слова  . Google инструмент подсказки ключевых слов: Google Adwords. Что касается инструментов, это действительно только о своих предпочтениях, как и все из них имеет свои достоинства.

Теперь, когда у вас есть ключевые слова, то вы должны поместить их во всех нужных местах. Начните с тег заголовка каждой веб-страницы, что у вас есть. Затем вы должны также положить ваши ключевые слова в тексте веб-копии. Дважды или трижды будет хорошо, в зависимости от количества слов.

Чтобы получить высокий трафик и Page Rank, SEO является обязательным, и каждый должен выбрать для своего блога SEO услугу.Многие веб-мастера выбирают надлежащие руководящие принципы, чтобы их блог был проиндексирован. Каждый поисковые системы имеют свой собственный набор правил, касающихся SEO, но большинство из них разделяют некоторые основные принципы.

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Thursday, May 12, 2011

Common SEO Questions – A SPN Exclusive Article

SEOptimizationEven though SEO has been around for a long time, there are still plenty of site owners, web developers and marketers who don’t have much experience with SEO. This is through no fault of their own, as SEO has only recently been taken out of its silo and incorporated into overall Internet marketing strategies. A few years ago, SEO was looked at as more of a technical practice, something that was handled behind the scenes. Now, SEO has taken a much more active, marketing-driven role. There is no denying that SEO is important if you want your brand to succeed online, but many people still do not fully understand that SEO is a not magic bullet. It will not solve all your online marketing problems overnight, nor will it supplement your offline marketing questions. Too many site owners are caught off-guard by black hat SEO spammers and con-men, looking to take advantage of “SEO newbies.”

Here are a few of the most common SEO questions and the white hat responses:

Q: How long will it take me to rank in Google?

A: There is no guarantee as to how fast your site will rank in Google, Bing, Yahoo or any of the other search engines. There are a lot of factors that your SEO is fighting against to help your site perform. If your site launched in a small niche with few competitors (grasshopper breeding), it might rank well faster because there was little opposition. If you launched your site in a highly competitive market (dog breeding), it could take much longer for your site to rank for your chosen keywords. There is no set time frame since each site and industry is different.

Q: How important is my Google PageRank?

A: PageRank is the numeric value given to your website based on its relevance and importance according to Google. Once upon time, it was a major contributing factor for Google’s algorithm, as a higher PageRank score (out of ten) signified that your site was useful and had a good trust factor with the search engines. Now the Google algorithm takes into account hundreds, if not thousands of contributing factors when determining where a site will fall in the SERP. While having a high PageRank is nice, it is by no means the most important factor or sign of SEO success.

Q: Which search engine is more important? Google or Bing?

A: Google still has the lion’s share of search volume, but Bing has steadily been gaining traffic over the last few months. You shouldn’t ignore one in favor of the other. The simple truth is that a different type of user chooses Google over Bing and vice versa. Failing to optimize for both players means your site is invisible to their audience. Google and Bing also fill their search results with slightly different information, so ranking well in one doesn’t mean your site is doing well in the other.

Q: How long do I have to do SEO for?

A: SEO is not a set-it-and-forget-it kind of tool. It takes constant attention and action to keep your SEO relevant and working. Yes, SEO will build on itself over time, but that doesn’t mean you get to 6 months and call it quits and hope your past work will carry you through. The Internet is expanding at an unbelievable rate, which means that every day there are more and more websites vying for the same amount of space. If you want to keep your site competitive and continue growing your online presence, you have to be prepared to strap in for the long haul. SEO is never truly finished.

Q: What does SEO really do for my site?

A: SEO is much more than just getting your site to rank well in the search engines. Good SEO will also help build your brand presence online, help maintain (or fix) your brand’s online reputation, drive traffic to your site and increase your conversion rate, establish your company as an industry leader or expert, help you connect with your customers and much more.

Q: Who should handle my site’s SEO?

A: If you don’t have the knowledge or experience to handle your site’s SEO, then you have to decide between bringing in someone to handle your SEO in-house or outsourcing your SEO to an SEO company or consultant. If you want to keep it in-house, your SEO manager needs to be incorporated into your marketing department, not the web design/development or IT team. Everything that your marketing department does to promote you company can be leveraged for SEO. Your SEO manager needs to work with the marketing team to keep their efforts in line.

If you want to outsource your SEO, be sure to do so to a reputable, white hat SEO firm! They should be US based and speak English fluently. A lot of SEO focuses on creating and publishing content and you need someone who understands the US market. Any company or consultant who promises to have your site ranking number one in Google by the end of the month is probably a black hat SEO practitioner and should be avoided.

Q: How do I measure SEO success?

A: There are a few ways to tell if your SEO is doing well. First off, what kind of traffic increase are you seeing? Good SEO should produce more traffic that steadily increases over time. Peaks and valleys isn’t a good sign. You can also look at how well your site is ranking for your chosen keywords. Did your site jump from page 6 to page 3? That means your site is establishing a stronger trust factor with the search engines and is performing well. The biggest indication of SEO success is your conversion rate. Of the traffic that arrived to your site, what percentage of them converted? Each site has a different goal. It could be for someone to call the company, download a trial form of some software, signup for a newsletter, etc. A higher conversion rate means that more targeted traffic is being delivered to your site, a sign that your SEO is doing a good job of positioning your site.

These are by no means the only questions you may have when beginning your SEO process, but they are some of the most common. A lot of SEO is learning and adapting. If you are looking to handle your site’s SEO by yourself, you might want to consider taking an SEO training session to learn the basics and answer more strategically minded questions.

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Friday, May 6, 2011

Getting Lots Of Facebook Likes Easily

Getting Lots Of Facebook Likes Easily: "

If you’re an internet marketer one of the first things you need to consider is how to get Facebook likes. Web crawlers and search engines are always on the lookout for material that creates a lot of commotion, and Facebook is one of the places that is starting to matter more and more. With new changes to the interface, search engines are going to be using Facebook soon very much the same way they use Google.

Facebook fans will have the power to make or break your business. If you do not yet have a page, fans, or material for people to like then you’re already missing out on the power of viral marketing. Every time a user clicks “like” on your Facebook page you will be broadcast throughout their friends list.

It’s also an incredibly fast way for you to get the word out about your business or cause. As soon as the like button is submitted the friends of the user who clicked the button will automatically see your affiliation on their wall. This entices them to click on the link and check it out. Facebook likes are just as important as finding the right SEO words in today’s market.

Conceptually, you have two page ranks. The first page rank is actually the Facebook ranking, which we already know is dominant. The social networking site then allows you to rank inside of their ranking. You can be first on one page but not on another. The first step to solving this problem is getting more likes.

The quality of the content just got more difficult. If you’re selling an appliance there aren’t going to be many visitors to your store initially. If you’re exclusively selling them online then it will take about 6 months to really build up your fan base. A fan base helps you carry power while you’re on the social networking site.

That means that they will only like the things that entertain, educate, move, or inspire them in some way. You’re not going to get many like hits just by listing a few keywords and creating a link.

The professional opinion of network and internet marketers is inclusive. No tool should be left unused. This is a tool that can help you reach up from under the stack of bills and market your business quickly and effectively. Facebook likes are an essential media for developing better results. Search engines are catching on, so it’s important that you move fast.

The pros get Facebook likes with loads of ease and if you want to know how they achieve this, then this Facebook likes resource will teach you all the secrets of their success.


Tuesday, May 3, 2011

2 New Social Media Tools to Try: Refynr and Triberr [Review]

2 New Social Media Tools to Try: Refynr and Triberr [Review]: "

Refynr: Selective Social Media Listening

Refynr broke onto the social media scene late last year. The brainchild of developer Aaron Longnion (@Refynr), the platform that separates your Twitter and Facebook wheat from the chaffe. It lets you “refine out the clutter.”

Like many tech platforms, refynr was born based on Aaron’s personal experiences and the challenges he felt participants face with sensory overload and simple information management. Start following a few thousand folks on Twitter and regardless of their personal tweet levels, there’s a lot going on. Follow some really active folks or people who participate in a lot of twitter chats and your stream will get clogged pretty quickly.

Until now you had few choices but to unfollow. But man, there were some good tweet nuggets in that noise!

Enter Refynr. This free tool filters out the tweets you’d rather skip. Refynr does the hard labor of finding the pre-defined topics you’re interested in, and saves the tweets with that theme for you to read later. For persons with small pockets of time throughout the work day, Refynr can be a way to quickly check in on what’s going on without the usual time-suck caused by off-topic random conversations. Yes, those can be the fun ones, but they often eat up valuable time and crush your productivity.

refnyr filter set up

Stay informed with topics that matter to you.

refnyr filter

refnyr filter

Refnyr allows you to create settings for a daily email digest if you’re really looking to create hard line of separation on Twitter between certain topics. Could be perfect for the 9-to-5 worker with a side project, for instance.

Refynr is totally user-defined, allowing for explicit filters and definitions. Future plans include an API for business use and support for Twitter lists and searches. Expect to find Refynr integrating with LinkedIn (perfect for you B2B marketers) soon.

define your refynr account

Set up your account parameters

Triberr: Your blog’s reach multiplier

Ever wish you had some help getting your blog links retweeted? RT’s give implied endorsement of your message, and give you access to other people’s networks. So how can you get some of that action?

Triberr members form small networks of guaranteed tweet sponsors. Each tribe constitutes a reciprocal relationship where members retweet the links from the RSS feed of others. This setup delivers value in several ways:

  • Greater reach, leading to greater exposure (get your voice heard!) for the content you’re creating now

  • An organic way to build your following faster among real Twitter users (no bots, ‘cuz bots don’t get invitations)

Because tribe leaders select members, there’s a strong chance members’ interests overlap, pretty much ensuring the relevancy of the tweets to the aggregate network. In other words, a tribe leader who’s into web development might invite UX specialists, graphic designers, or online marketers to join forces to share links to their blogs.

When you publish a new blog post and your RSS feed updates, all the members of your tribes will automatically RT your post. The RT’s are staggered so as not to inundate streams, and if a feed is updated more than once in a day only the first post will be pushed into the system (to prevent abuse and pollution). The baked-in RT makes it important to choose your tribe carefully because a RT implies endorsement (you want to be associated with great content, don’t you?). There are also some manual overrides for the more choosy tribesman.

triberr reach multiplier

The triberr dashboard.

Triberr’s only been around since March but has gotten a lot of attention. Dino Dogan, one of the forces behind the platform, pursued his vision because he believed that a lot of great voices were being overshadowed in social media. The same “elite” people were getting all the eyeballs and RT’s, drowning out lesser-knowns with smaller networks. Those eyeballs should be looking in a lot of other places for information and inspiration.

“Triberr is my way of rebelling against status quo,” said Dogan. “Triberr gives the other guys, the ones with the smaller voices and original thoughts, a chance to be heard through collective support from trusted peers.”

Triberr is presently in beta and requires an invitation to snag an account. Account holders can lead three tribes (meaning, as Chief, they get to choose all the members and issue invitations to them), and participate as Tribal Elder in the original tribe created by the person who invited them (and hence can’t choose the members, just serve as one).

While currently members’ blog feeds are only pushed out via Twitter, Dogan hinted that other networks are just around the corner. Dan Cristo, co-founder and lead developer gets props for the lightening-fast development and responsiveness to features requests and bug fixes.

Go give these two spanky tools a try, or visit the oneforty Toolkit page to discover other new favorites!


Already use these tools or want to add them to your social media arsenal? Make a Toolkit on oneforty and show us what social media tools you use to manage and measure your activity.

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